Metal Nostalgia Force painted models

It's blue shading - I started off with a blue kneepad and then had a go at gothic numbering, which didn't really take, then a skull that ended up being rather Orky, so I blocked this skull in all in white and worked the blue shadows in from there.
Cheers! I guess either approach would have worked there - perhaps building up from blue would have been more forgiving, as it's certainly easier to return to a dark blue than a white after a mistake!

I painted a Satyr Studios oldhammer sculpt:


Was a great sculpt to work with - I can highly recommend picking up anything from Drew there that takes your fancy, they're great sculpts.

The backpack is a sculpt of my own in an attempt to make something that was compatible with the Oldhammer aesthetic.


Love what you did with the SatyrArt Marine. Those are great sculpts and I need to get off my duff and get a few of them in paint.
Thanks guys. I'm keen to get more of those Satyr sculpts done but I have found an old Chaos Renegade I always wanted to paint so he'll be the next cab off the rank...
Thanks guys! I have this sculpt from when I bought it new in '98 or so waiting to be stripped (after photos taken!) and repainted and this guy was kind of a test subject for repainting him... pretty nostalgic about those old sniper scouts, they were some of the few blisters I bought back then.


The sniper/scout looks great. When the first space marine scouts came out they had the look of grizzled special forces veterans who'd been in the jungle just a little too long about them; like Edson's Raiders (to which unit I have a family connection) or Merrill's Marauders. Carrying enemy weapons, because maybe the like them better, and always half naked and completely dangerous. Your fellow has that look about him. I always liked that vision better than the "recruits" they turned them into later. Your fellow looks competent, determined, and very very dangerous. I like him.
Thanks guys!

The sniper/scout looks great. When the first space marine scouts came out they had the look of grizzled special forces veterans who'd been in the jungle just a little too long about them; like Edson's Raiders (to which unit I have a family connection) or Merrill's Marauders. Carrying enemy weapons, because maybe the like them better, and always half naked and completely dangerous. Your fellow has that look about him. I always liked that vision better than the "recruits" they turned them into later. Your fellow looks competent, determined, and very very dangerous. I like him.

I really liked that feel you describe of the early scouts - and I think the plastic ones that came after these guys really lost that completely.

Got another one done last night - Brother Holt:

Thanks! It’s kind of a shame that his left eye got squashed at some point but he’s battered enough that another metal plate makes sense visually.