2024 Legacy Signup: The Great Escape in Space


I'll join in as long as I'm free to ignore character requirements as long as its sci-fi. I'd like to see this film (haven't yet) and would love to do something in-character if I can, but don't want to stress about making something fit with whatever characters are left by then.


^I figure the important thing is the probably the prisoner/guard dynamic. As long as you know who you're making it'll all work out. I'll put you down as TBD.


I was wondering if those of you who have picked a model could send me a pic (either of the actual model or a link to it online or something) then I can try to make sure I scale the background suitably. No obligation of course!

I've got an old A4 "3D" frame I'm thinking of using, but that does limit the depth a fair bit, but then again I already have it - so... If I use that frame (and right now I am planning to) we'll have 1.5" between the back board and the glass. Granted one could take out the glass, but maybe best to work within if possible!

The other advantage of seeing the models is tweaking the terrain to better suit poses, etc.

If you'd prefer to keep the model selection more private then just send me a direct message on the site so that it remains a mystery to most!

Old Hob

Now that's a cool mini. Thanks.
What's the plan with basing? If the minis are being put in a diorama presumably this is quite important. I was going to do a mud base (Vallejo Thick Mud) for that digging a tunnel vibe, but would it be more helpful to leave the bases plain?


Not sure to be honest - I think to leave it flexible for whoever wins I'll make sure the spaces are large enough for based minis to go in a selection of places on their bases. As to what bases should look like. Normally it seems to be plain (which I always forget! - ahem), but I'd have thought either plain or simple would be fine - so the mud would probably be okay. I use Vallejo Dark Russian Mud for a lot of my bases actually!

Might try to do a bit more of a mockup next week of the diorama to help visualise.

Old Hob

Not sure to be honest - I think to leave it flexible for whoever wins I'll make sure the spaces are large enough for based minis to go in a selection of places on their bases. As to what bases should look like. Normally it seems to be plain (which I always forget! - ahem), but I'd have thought either plain or simple would be fine - so the mud would probably be okay. I use Vallejo Dark Russian Mud for a lot of my bases actually!

Might try to do a bit more of a mockup next week of the diorama to help visualise.
OK. Plain black base it is. Thank you.


not sitting flush on the base (20mm), about 24mm tall, 30 wide (figure left to figure right) and from the back of the base to the tip of the cannon, about 34mm.


The Body is a Bob Olley from his Scrunts series, I think part of the 'Elite Guard', the arms are from that range but it was a range which mostly spares and heads were separate. There is a little bit on his back (as a backpack).. I have no clue.. think it might be some fancy binoculars but works well for the 'power pack' for the gun, and the head.. no clue. One job lot I got a while back had a bunch of bits and pieces, including a number of dwarf bodies, heads and arms from this range. . Think the head is probably Bob Olley as well.

His site seams.. well, I think he mostly sells via eBay now.


I haven't picked a miniature yet. I'll try to work in a classic ork. I've added the spot colors to the top post in this thread. Anyone think we need a basing poll, or shall we forgo that this year, in light of the diorama? My thinking is keep it dead simple, so bases can be removed if desired.

Geroak II

I’m not really into scifi so my collection of such figures is very limited and like Machen I’ve not seen the film either.
But what the heck, might as well jump on board.
At first I thought if and old dwarf adventurer with grappling hook would work as prisoner, but the mini is just too clearly from fantasy with chain armor, and knowing my very mediocre skills with green stuff, chances are I would have ended up ruining the mini had I tried to make it more scifi-like.

So, here’s the only thing I could come up with: an ork to work as some generic guard... armed with hand grenades... as per custom for guards, I’m sure. On regular 25mm base he stands about 29mm tall (base included) and same for width, in case those measurements are needed.Ork1.jpg

Anyone think we need a basing poll, or shall we forgo that this year, in light of the diorama? My thinking is keep it dead simple, so bases can be removed if desired.
Personally, I'd say no poll needed.


^That ork looks absolutely perfect! Very nice addition. He's a classic Rogue Trader era ork from before they developed all the different clans and so forth. 1988 flyer on Orclord Hale's Stuff of Legends gives it as a Kev Adams sculpt. Glorious stuff! I'm figuring on tossing in something approximately similar, and maybe an elf as a prisoner.

Geroak II

Yes, it fits the Great Escape theme nicely, but got to say it’s a good thing GW moved away from this imagery later on.
Some of these RT-era orks and 2nd edition Blood Axes are problematic in their thematics, to say the least.


Yes, it fits the Great Escape theme nicely, but got to say it’s a good thing GW moved away from this imagery later on.
Some of these RT-era orks and 2nd edition Blood Axes are problematic in their thematics, to say the least.


^Some of them have some icons associated with the Nazis. There's a few with lightning bolts. Even one with a straight up swastika pendant. They were meant to be bad guys, and I believe they were modeled on what I'd have called "skin heads" in the late 80s. In the US at least the sorts of people the orks resembled were indeed white nationalists of the worst sort, though I've heard that was not how the movement started, and late adopters spoiled the entire movement through their association. At the time it all made good sense, but these days there are people who think the 40K universe is aspirational, rather than deeply dystopian. And white nationalists are more of a problem now than in decades. So, yeah, problematic. I'm not melting my orks, mind, and I don't think the GW folks meant anything negative by it, but it's a bit of history that requires some careful consideration. I confess, I'd like to rehabilitate the orks in my own fiction. But . . . if I had sleazy rider I'd be changing that medalion. No way I'd leave it. (Even though I game WWII and have a few German miniatures. You can't have a game without OpFor. And even though it's a valuable miniature and a darned glorious sculpt otherwise.)

Geroak II

It seems pretty clear GW drew inspiration for some of the ork sculpts from nazis, and they weren’t exactly subtle about it.
Historical wargames are one thing, but 40k is not Flames of War or Bolt Action, and to me such imagery just seem very off in a fictional setting and I’d hazard a guess GW would not go for this look these days.


I think it was indirect. I think they were mocking people who drew inspiration from them. That said, it's definitely a touch uncomfortable at times. I had some run-ins with the people who I think "inspired" some of the early orks. But you are correct. 40K is not flames of war, and I don't think it would go over so well today. Sorry if I gave the wrong impression.

On the other hand, it does mean they make alarmingly good guards in a Great Escape themed diorama.