UrchinJoe's slow progress


^Precisely! Nephews and nieces are wonderful. It's good to have children you can give back to their parents at the end of a beautiful day. ;)

(It's good to be the cool uncle.)


So, finally, some newly painted miniatures. I painted these back in Dead-cember, took the photographs last month, and got a post written up today. A couple of classics - sort of - Heinrich Kemmler and the Devil. One of them is Finecast and the other had some sort of undercoating disaster so neither were super-fun to paint, but I'm pleased enough with the outcome.


As ever, there are more pictures on my blog, and some meandering thoughts.

Old Hob

Is that stone gollum trying to nick a pie?
These are beautifully done. The pig faced orcs make me especially nostalgic. Keep 'em coming.


I had one of those devils somewhere or other back in the day. Wonder if my brother still has it...
The set of models is lovely, I'm a sucker for an eccentric group of stylish models. I like the beak on the Owlbear (?) in particular and your basing is lovely.


It's taken me a bit to sort through everything going on here in my mind, but . . . dang! Well done! I do particularly love the golem. The star nosed mole is also pretty stinking cool. Honestly, all of these look fantastic. Fabulous stuff!


Thanks everyone!

Old Hob - The golem is indeed going for the pies. I noticed the height and position was perfect as soon as I glued them together, couldn't resist posing it for the group portrait. I know exactly what you mean about the orcs - these push my nostalgia buttons more than just about any other miniature, even though they're strictly not that old. I've got a few more stashed in my toolbox, but I'm trying (fairly unsuccessfully to be honest) to finish off a few other projects before I start anything new.

Sleepysod and EricF, that devil has been on my wish-list since around 1992 (I've got a well-thumbed copy of the 1991 Red catalogue in the corner of our bookshelf in the lounge. Probably my most re-read book at this point, with scrawls of pen and paper on the Night Horrors / Ethereal page. I guess I have a bit less than half of them (including the ones from earlier flyers), and they're getting harder to find. Anyway, like most of that range, the devil looks great using one main colour - I spent a while testing different reds on the cloak. Oh and yep, that's an owlbear - I've got some more photos here, but taken with a different camera in worse light.

symphonicpoet - thanks! I bit the bullet and picked up a Thunderbolt Mountain 'Giant Saber-toothed Flying Mole with Gills' from Ral Partha Legacy recently, so once I figure out how to base it another mole will join my subterranean army.


If no-one objects to a spot of necromancy, I've come across a few photos from last year that I forgot to upload anywhere. I've got far too much in my pile of shame right now after re-starting my love affair with 40K genestealers last year. I need to focus on just one project... but this has been an unwelcome reminder of my multiple ongoing, incomplete, fantasy collections.

First up some beastmen, with many more photos on my blog.






Thanks Loose Loser!

A couple of tiny odds and ends from my 2021 photo folder today: a Citadel 'armoured mite' chaos familiar and a Tom Meier 'Ballerina Fairy Princess Infantry' from Ral Partha Legacy/Thunderbolt Mountain.



There are a couple of other photos on my blog but honestly they're not great. I guess that's partly because these aren't my best photos, partly because the miniatures are so small (and hence slightly harder to give a fancy paint job to), and partly just 'cos it's not my best work.


Thanks folks! Here's the last of my current flurry of updates (can you tell I've had the week off?) - the old C29 / 'Giant Monsters' hippogryph. A couple more angles, all slightly over-reflective and one a little blurry, on my blog.



These are great. Will have search out some of the Tom Meier range, and the griffin/gryphon/hippogriff (can never remember the difference) is beautiful


Sleepysod":17o1tosy said:
These are great. Will have search out some of the Tom Meier range, and the griffin/gryphon/hippogriff (can never remember the difference) is beautiful
There's loads of great stuff on Ral Partha Legacy. I've got a "sabre toothed saying mole with gills" to paint at some point.

I think the two "griffins" are just a question of spelling; hindquarters of a lion and wings/head/often forelegs of an eagle. For a hippogriff the forelegs are leonine and the hindquarters are of a horse.

Interestingly the griffin is a creature of myth, folklore, and heraldry, whereas the hippogriff is comparatively modern (still 500 years old though so definitely 'oldhammer').

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I can't get a proper picture of these for love nor money. Some more Night Horrors - I think I have about half of these now, I'll probably never finish the full set. Some of them are so rare that I've never seen them, and I'm seeing fewer and fewer of even the more common ones at a reasonable price these days. There's also a bonus zombie, one of my favourites. Some individual pictures here.
