

As promised the first of the other photos taken. These are some classic skeletons from Wargames Factory, I had two boxes sitting around for many years and finally built and painted all 60 models (actually the boxes I had were two slightly different moldings, the later ones having a different key for the feet and sockets for the arms). You can still buy the models, the licence is currently with Warlord Games. These are quite delicate skeletons, certainly less robust than the Citadel ones I was more familiar with from childhood. Still they have great Harryhausen appeal and are probably fine for gaming if you have them on a movement tray. Painting was as simple as an airbrush prime with Vallejo bone primer, then various different washes (Secret Weapon Stone and Sewer Water, GW Agrax, GW Nuln Oil, Vallejo Umber) on different models, bit of drybrushing and final line washing and any finishing highlights before weapons and the like were picked out.

First up some hand weapons:

And then some spears:

There are some more, some archers and a few more spears, but I didn't get them out of the cabinet.

Thanks again for all the nice words. I might even end up with a painted army at this rate!


Thanks, I was rather pleased with how well they came out. Regarding the shields it's the ModelMates (discontinued brand) Verdigris effect on the shields. I think they still sell the same product under their "Dirty Down" product line. I still wonder if I overdid it a little, but I quite like it and it makes otherwise plain skeletons a bit more interesting.


And some more "undead" terrain from the photoshoot! So some graveyard scatter pieces I did a year or two ago. The graves are a mixture of those from Tabletop World (resin) and some Renedra plastic graves, along with a smattering of other random bits and pieces from the bits box. I tried to keep them roughly in rows/alignment since real graveyards are like that, but with a little bit of randomness to keep it interesting. The background obviously has the mausoleums from GW's Garden of Morr and a few graves from Scotia Grendel.




Since the forum seems quiet I thought I might post a better photo of some Noisy Ghosts from Titan Forge (previous seen on the deadcember thread) that I took along with the other recent photos.


They were my first attempt at "ethereal". With that in mind I've a small collection of Nighthaunt models I've been priming that I'm still trying to decide on a scheme for, I feel rather like I should do something other than "stock" ghost like and make mine a bit more interesting.

We also have an old photo I found whilst rummaging on the NAS of one of the Garden of Morr sepulchres that were in the background of some of the other photos.


I'm still quite pleased with the weathering on the walls of that, but might add some corrosion on the metal roof elements were I to approach it again. The sarcophagus lid is hinged with a pair of small magnets so it can be pivoted or taken off. The actual sepulchre is also fixed down with magnets so that it and the base can be used independently for the terrain frugal!

That's about it for undead for the moment, I've a primed Zombie dragon on the shelf awaiting an inspiring colour scheme (suggestions welcome) and a handful of random undead models in various boxes and blisters that might see the light of day. The next step with the actual "army" will be to make some movement trays and figure out what's missing to make it an actual army! A decent necromancer I suspect.


The scenery is almost as inspiring as your minis - We need (WE DEMAND) a full army shot inside the grave yard with all the trimmings ASAP!


The arrival of a new hell hound in the house means painting projects are on hold for a bit, so it's time to visit the vault of old photos... Alas we seem to be a bit thin on the strictly Oldhammer models, but here is my Mourngul from a couple of years back. The blood drips on the claws were done by gluing a hair to then claw and then running some "blood paint" down the hair which worked out nicely I think.



Geroak II

Excellent painting and your terrain pieces are just stunning, especially mausoleums on the first page are full of neat little details.
Blood drip effect on Mourngul works very well and complements the sculpt. Poor horse, though. Even if armed with a repeater handgun he doesn’t stand a chance against wendigo. :(


Thank you. The Mourngul is a brilliant sculpt and fun to paint, I think that must be from about three or four years back now but I'm still quite pleased with the beastie. Both those sets of models have rather got me in the mood to crack on with some modern Night Haunts I have, but it's hard to settle on a paint scheme. Classic(ish) GW one or something a bit more quirky. I've seen some nice grungy ragged brown ones which look good and some with bright contrasting cloaks that really pop. Still given limited painting time I should try to finish up my current work in progress before starting something new!


Since we had some great pumpkin scarecrows over on Twisted Moon's 2020 thread (proper scary stuff) I thought I should post something pumpkin themed ... So here are some Reaper pumpkin horrors and golem I did a good few years back when I started painting again. In fact these were possibly almost my first foray back into actually picking up my brushes again properly.



Thank you, pumpkin painting is always fun. Although I do always wonder how I missed that mold line on the left hand one! *sigh*
I used some of the Vallejo fluorescents to get a good bright highlight on the vines, not that it shows in the photographs. The big golem also need a few extra vines adding to the base to make it a little less flat.


I forgot to photograph this the other day, finished it up about a month ago. So given I got the camera (and better lighting out) today I thought I'd best snap the old chap. The ever wonderful Tom Meier Zombie Dragon. How could any Undead army worth its bones march to war without one shambling along besides them. That said when I was but a young gamer I wasn't so keen on it so never saved up for one, I'm just lucky they still sell it for what now seems such a reasonable price.



The only thing I think I'd do differently were I to ever paint this again would be to leave it off the base whilst painting - it's a bit tricky getting in under the wings when on a base! Actually I might also raise it up a little more in the middle of the base to give it a little more height - nothing too much, 1/8" perhaps. Anyhow base colours were airbrushed on (makes life easy for the wing gradients), then everything done with brushes I did accidentally paint the tongue as a tooth, then realised it was a tongue, but otherwise it went fairly smoothly!


nice work on that ^_^ the fact you can buy one from Ral Patha still and for only £12 or so, is great and something many companies should see about doing with some of there older ranges.


Oh, so lovely!

I got one back in the day, but can't find it anymore...at least - as ManicMan pointed out - it won't be hard to replace it