WFB3 The Battle Of The Underhill - 10mm WFB

Warhammer Fantasy Battle 3rd Edition
We played a game of WFB 3rd edition.

3000 points of Undead vs 3000 points of Empire.

It was a good game.

Key Points.

The random terrain generation really hampered me as there was a lot of stuff to block LOS and impede my fast cavalry.

This was the first time I used my Kriegsritter, mounted crossbowmen, they charged toward the enemy catapults, managed only to kill one crew before they were flanked by some wights, the terrible nature of them was too much and the cavalry fled the field never to be seen again.

The Black Coach allowed itself to be charged and thus missed out on causing lots of damage by being the one to instigate the charge, as such it found the mass of the Stirland Helblitzen too much as it was turn after turn pushed back off the table.
Unfortunately, so enraged were the Helblitzen, they failed their Leadership test and followed the coach off the table in pursuit.
So that was them gone…

I positioned my mortar behind the woods hoping that even with no LOS it may actually hit something eventually, it did not.

The Direwolves were effective this game, they moved up the field and into the woods where they made short work of the Deathjacks and then followed on to kill the mortar crew.

The screaming skull catapults were again effective, when they hit even if the unit struck did not flee in fear the warmachines still did a lot of physical damage.

My Knights of the Black Rose were good, despite being hampered by woods and so on they managed to do some damage and were a key unit.

The undead vampire spent a fair amount of time in wolf form for speed, but this turned out to be a mistake as toward the end of the battle, when things were not looking too great for the Empire, the plucky and resolute lads manning the last kanone took careful aim and managed to the wolf-vampire and succeeded in killing it/her.
This was the beginning of the end, as this turn, Elector Count Alberich Haupt-Anderssen, Grand Count of Stirland, Prince of Wurtbad and Overlord of Sylvania wielding the mighty Runefang finished of the last of the wights.

All in all a close game.

Misuse of the Black Coach cost the undead a bit, and unlucky the vampire was blown to smithereens, again the fear rules caused issues on my units and many routed the field.
But victory was ours and Stirland once again holds back the forces of the undead, keeping the rest of the Empire safe.
























^The 10mm really lets you spread things out in a way that looks a lot more natural. Makes a big battle look a lot less cluttered, even on a small board. And your miniatures look lovely. Is that the official . . . let's call it fantasy epic like game? . . . Was that Warmaster? . . . anyway, the actual smaller GW miniatures they sold for a while? Lovely looking stuff, and a fun report. :)
Thanks. Only a few models are the old GW Warmaster, most are from other companies and or conversions.

I have seen many games of 28mm where both armies start almost within archery range, this seems wrong and makes the longer range of war machines like catapults and cannons redundant.

It also gives less chance for faster troops to excel. So many games just seem to be a straight forward advance with shooting on turn one. But there can be so much more to it.


^You know, I hadn't even thought about that aspect. Makes sense. More time for maneuver. Does it make games longer, or do they feel about the same?
Hmmm been about 30 years since I played with 25mm on a 6x4 table.
That game was an afternoons play, 4 hours maybe?

I guess it must take a bit longer as you have a few extra turns at the start as people move into range, but as it is just moving and the odd war machine firing, it is only 5 minutes a turn until they get close.
HTH is thing that slows the game I feel, and early on with more space there is no HTH..


I've played mostly 40K, rather than fantasy. But the ideas make sense and it's always looked like the rules were pretty similar. Yeah, HTH slows things down a lot. And if you can get more stuff off the table before you get there . . . maybe the battle won't even last as long? What you're doing looks great, in any case. And it sure makes sense that a little more space for maneuver would be good.