It's the Season to get Painting


Happy New Year everyone...Well not bad haul for 2023...74 minis including a good start to a Nurgle army!

Nurgle Army.jpg
Below the random other things I painted that were not part of the Nurgle Army
Non Nurgle painting.jpg
After taking the original pics above I did a movement tray for my Plaguebearers...have 18 so need another 3 to complete the unit


Awesome stuff. I like the plague doctor models in particular. I was trying to figure out what I'd painted this year, I loose track somewhat and never actually do the models I'd intended to!


Awesome stuff. I like the plague doctor models in particular. I was trying to figure out what I'd painted this year, I loose track somewhat and never actually do the models I'd intended to!
The human Plauge Doctors are Foundry and fell in love with the models during Covid as they seemed very apt...and the gnome one seems a perfect addition...used them in a skirmish game recently as 'Covid and Son' :p

Following the Old School Minitures painting challange I keep each years painted models on a self together so I can guage how close I am to 52 minis in 52 weeks


The human Plauge Doctors are Foundry and fell in love with the models during Covid as they seemed very apt...and the gnome one seems a perfect addition...used them in a skirmish game recently as 'Covid and Son' :p

Following the Old School Minitures painting challange I keep each years painted models on a self together so I can guage how close I am to 52 minis in 52 weeks
don't you want a Crow plague doctor? Covid Corvid?