Decades of Dwarf: classic white dwarf review videos


Re: Decades of Dwarf

The vintage front cover is something else, I think anything past 130 ‘ish’ really aren’t the same. Had left the hobby by then and came back to it in 1995 when I worked in the shop. Couldn’t get over those 4e bright colours and mono-pose models…


^Hey Fimm, what was your badge that's not displaying properly? Is this something that needs to be fixed on the admin side? Looks like a broken image link in your sigline.


For some reason the image proxy system seemed to have failed to fetch the image (the proxy system stops you getting warnings about mixed http/https content). Since the site in question serves content securely as well I've edited the signature to use an https link which (as of now) is set to bypass the image proxy. Looks to be working again now.
Regarding muted colours, have you tried following John Blanche's painting instructions from Heroes for Wargames and painting instructions from Rogue Trader rulebook?

Fimm McCool

Regarding muted colours, have you tried following John Blanche's painting instructions from Heroes for Wargames and painting instructions from Rogue Trader rulebook?
Yeah, but I think there are two things going on- 1) the tendency of vintage photography to bleach colour meaning what you see isn't actually what the model looks like 2) my avoidance of using white as a highlight colour and black as a shade hence not desaturating the colours

Fimm McCool

Don't worry, plenty of earlier issues still to cover! My collection fades out around 210 with a few later issues covering cool stuff like LotR, Inquisitor and Mordheim.


Glad to hear it! Other than the odd later issue I've picked up on a whim I've completed my aim which was to fill in the blanks and have 1-200. So I'm rather pleased. Took a good while to get duplicates of all my originals (which my brother has), but finally completed it about a month or so ago with #134. Must do a photo of them all :)

Fimm McCool

Congratulations! I have all of 31-200 and a smattering of earlier ones. The really early ones are too expensive for me to go after. I imagine they're fun as collectors' pieces but not of any real quality.


I am so glad I got my copy of #1 many years ago now (now crazy prices). Even at the time I felt rather wild paying about £60 for what is a very slim magazine! Nice to have the full set, but my heart lies with issues from about 90 onwards. Still it is interesting flicking through some of the older material every now and then.