Skrag the Slaughterer and friends


That is a great looking army that you've painted. I really like all the old ogres, and the newer ones too. Really cool, thanks for sharing.


Nice, good looking army. I managed to finally get hold of a few of those ogres myself a couple of months back so will have to take some inspiration. Nice looking cottages in your shots.


Brilliant stuff! GW will be releasing some old metal models (made to order) as part of their support for "The Old World", including apparently the Marauder Giant. I suppose there's an outside chance we might get some of the newer '90s ogres - like your standard bearer - but I suspect Skrag the Slaughterer and his characterful '80s chums are lost to history forever (and lost to me forever, eBay prices being what they are)!

Anyway, it's great to see a large force of classic ogres painted up and put into action! Congratulations on your collection.


looking nice. Mounted Ogres are pretty rare to see.

oh and knowing GW these days... I think old models second hand might be cheaper option ¬_¬


I am wondering/dreading about the price-point on the "new" GW made to order stuff. Still the giant will be temping.

Occasionally if you keep your eyes open on ebay and have a bit of luck you can get some of the older models for more acceptable prices. I picked up four classic ogres for £40, granted two need weapons replacing, but that seemed like an acceptable compromise.

These plastic ogres from Wargames Atlantic work out quite cheap and cheerful and didn't look too bad as good fill material although of a different aesthetic, nearly got a box myself yesterday.


mm.. never noticed them. need to look through there stuff a bit more sometime ^_^ (also, I love there free model of the month they do always a nice little bonus)