Rogue trader - Vulture warriors with hangovers.....


Excellent! I've been wanting to play that scenario for ever. I've got all the minis, just need to paint 'em...

Great report
Thanks chaps, is was great fun to play. I think if I run it again i'll ramp up the paranoia factor and keep the players guessing for longer. I also need to paint up some RT era Orks!


That was a great battle report, I must try and rope someone into playing it with me sometime. The table looked great.


Hetz":3s4ssl85 said:
Excellent! I've been wanting to play that scenario for ever.


As a 13 year old I read that scenario in WD before I had read an actual Warhammer rulebook and I was captivated by the possibilities. I pored over the stats and loose descriptions of some of the option rules trying to reverse engineer the 40K rules from it. This scenario has a special place in this geeks heart of darkness.

Big kudos for getting it on the table in 2013. I plan to follow suit within the next year or so.
I'm glad everybody enjoyed our little game. It's by far and away the most popular post on my blog which would suggest I need to play some more RT games. I'll quite happily run it again if anybody is interested in playing. A get together such as BOYL would be the best opportunity. Thanks again!